by BSBA | Aug 23, 2018 | Newsletters
Please click here in order to read the Newsletter in English. Please click here if you want to read the Newsletter in...
by BSBA | Mar 18, 2018 | Newsletters
Question and answer about Metech Serbia. It has been a while since BSBA readers had chance to hear something from Metech Company. In a few words, and generally speaking, what has happened in the last two years? How would you describe your business in that period? The...
by BSBA | Mar 13, 2018 | Newsletters
In order to download the Incentives Newsletter in English, please click here. In order to download the Incentives Newsletter in Serbian, please...
by BSBA | Jan 30, 2018 | Newsletters
Dear Friends, Allow me to thank again all the board members for their excellent work and all of our members for their support during 2017. Our special gratitude to his Excellence Le D’Aes who has been keeping his doors open for the BSBA and to Mrs D’Aes who always...
by BSBA | Sep 26, 2017 | Newsletters
Word of the Chairman: We hope that the year started well for all of you. It again will be a year with new changes, expectations and challenges. The EU accession process moves forward, positive signals are also vowed by an IMF support mission that visited the country....
by BSBA | Aug 1, 2017 | Newsletters
Dear Friends, This summer reminded me of an old Flemisch movie “De Witte” (1934, remake 1980), based on the work of Ernest Claes. The summer was burning hot and children were swimming in the local river. But the farmer’s environment showed that despite the...