On March 28, 2023, the Belgian-Serbian Business Association, Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, the Chamber of Italian-Serbian Businessmen and the Croatian Business Club, in cooperation with Elite Academy Balkans, organized a seminar “The Human Resources Revolution”. The event was supported by a BSBA member, the Saint Ten hotel, and attended by 50 representatives of member-companies.
The speaker was Miša Pavićević, an HR specialist and director of Elite Academy Balkans. Using practical examples, Mr. Pavićević talked about the revolution in the HR sector, challenges in motivating and managing staff, as well as solutions for recognizing the potential of employees and selecting a successful team. In addition, Mr. Pavićević presented the characteristics of different groups of generations in the business environment, as well as the way to improve their internal communication and the positive attitude of employees towards the company.
The attendees had the opportunity to exchange experiences with other participants and receive feedback from the speaker. They were all also offered the opportunity to take a free workplace personality and behavioural assessment test and receive a free analysis of the test.
After the working part, a networking cocktail was organized as an opportunity for members of the four bilateral
organizations to continue talking and socializing in an informal atmosphere.
To see more captured moments of this event, please click here.