On March 6, 2023, 8 bilateral organizations in Serbia gathered representatives of their member- companies at the “International Coffee Break” event, traditionally held during the Kopaonik Business Forum.

The gathering was held at Grand Hotel and organized jointly by the following bilateral organizations for their members present at the Forum: Belgian-Serbian Business Association, British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, Croatian Business Club, Chamber of Italian-Serbian Businessmen, German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Nordic Business Alliance and the Slovenian Business Club.

The event was also supported by the companies Adria Media Group, Mercedes Benz and ProCredit Bank, recognizing the quality of this multilateral event.

“International Coffee Break” has once again proved to be an excellent networking opportunity for the member-company representatives. At the same time, the event provided an opportunity for all the members to get familiar with other bilateral business organizations in Serbia, to be informed about their activities and opportunities for cooperation.


To see more captured moments of this event, pleaseĀ click here.