On September 13 th , 2022, continuing the tradition with the desire to bring together representatives of various businesses and industries in a pleasant and informal atmosphere, 13 bilateral business associations present in Serbia organized once again the International Networking Cocktail at the beautiful premises of the Metropol Palace Hotel in Belgrade.

This year’s International Networking Cocktail was attended by companies from Belgian Serbian Business Association, CANSEE Canadian-Serbian Business Association, Croatian Business Association, Dutch-Serbian Business Association, French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, German-Serbian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, Italian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Japanese Business Alliance of Serbia, Nordic Business Alliance, Slovenian Business Club, Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, and Business Club UAE & Serbia.

Over 350 representatives of companies and enterprises that are members of the bilateral chambers of commerce present in Serbia, gathered on a beautiful summer evening at Metropol Palace Hotel for the yearly International Networking Cocktail. The guests were greeted by the chambersā€™ representatives and a welcome speech on behalf of all present business associations was delivered by Ms. Fanina Kovacevic-Popaz, Executive Officer of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia. The guests had the opportunity to socialize with one another, converse, exchange experiences and business ideas.

To see more captured moments of this event, pleaseĀ click here.