“International Coffee Break”, a special networking event within the KBF
On March 7, 2022, nine bilateral organizations in Serbia, within the Kopaonik Business Forum, gathered representatives of member companies at the already traditional event called “International Coffee Break”, in the Casa restaurant of the Grand Hotel.
For members present at the Forum, the meeting was organized by the following bilateral organizations: German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Slovenian Business Club, CANSEE Canadian-Serbian Business Association, Chamber of Italian-Serbian Businessmen, Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Hellenic Economic Association of Serbia, Belgian-Serbian business association, Nordic Business Alliance and Croatian Business Club.
The event was supported by the company Roche and the Law Office TSG-Tomić, Sinđelić, Groza, it is stated in the announcement.
In their direct speeches, Dr. Ana Govedarica, Roche Director for Serbia and Montenegro and Ljubica Tomić, founder and partner of TSG Law Office – Tomic, Sinđelić, Groza, mentioned the importance of such live gatherings that offer a wider, multilateral networking opportunity.
At the International Coffee Break, which was held for the third time, the guest participants of the Forum had the opportunity to get to know each other, network, exchange experiences and ideas. At the same time, it was an opportunity to meet the representatives of bilateral organizations in Serbia and learn more about the possibilities of cooperation, their activities and plans.
Uspešno održan „INTERNATIONAL COFFEE BREAK”, poseban networking događaj u okviru KBF-a
7. marta 2022. godine, 9 bilateralnih organizacija u Srbiji je, u okviru Kopaonik Business Foruma, okupilo
predstavnike kompanija članica na, već tradicionalnom, događaju pod nazivom „International Coffee
Break”, u Restoranu Casa Hotela Grand.
Za članove prisutne na Forumu, skup su organizovale sledeće bilateralne organizacije:
Belgijsko-srpska poslovna asocijacija, Helensko privredno udruženje Srbije, Hrvatski poslovni klub,
CANSEE Kanadsko-Srpsko Poslovno Udruženje, Komora italijansko-srpskih privrednika, Nemačko-srpska
privredna komora, Nordijska poslovna alijansa, Slovenački poslovni klub i Švajcarsko-srpska trgovinska
Događaj su podržali kompanija Roche i Advokatska kancelarija TSG -Tomić, Sinđelić, Groza. U svojim
direktnim obraćanjima, dr. Ana Govedarica- direktor Roche za Srbiju i Crnu Goru i Ljubica Tomić- osnivač
i partner advokatske kancelarije TSG -Tomić, Sinđelić, Groza, pomenule su i značaj ovakvih okupljanja
uživo koji nude širu, multilateralnu mogućnost umrežavanja.
Na International Coffee Break-u, koji je održan po treći put, gosti učesnici Foruma su imali priliku da se
međusobno upoznaju, umreže, da razmene iskustva i ideje. Ujedno, to je bila i mogućnost da upoznaju
predstavnike bilateralnih organizacija u Srbiji i saznaju više o mogućnostima saradnje, o njihovim
aktivnostima i planovima.