It is with great pleasure that we present the Member2Member: Benefits & Discounts Publication 2021 Edition, prepared jointly by the Belgian–Serbian Business Association, Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, Swiss–Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Slovenian Business Club and Croatian Business Club, sponsored by New Image.

We are happy to see many of our member-companies participating in the publication through offerings that generate additional exposure and potential customers for their products and services and create cost-saving opportunities with the benefits and discounts made available in the publication.

This year’s edition features a wide variety of special offers and discounts from 60 companies, grouped into 35 categories. The offers are valid until the end of November 2021, unless otherwise specified.

Please note that only member companies can use the offered discounts/benefits – these are not available to the general public.

We would like to thank all the members that contributed to the Publication, and we hope that you will all find something interesting and enjoy the offers and discounts!

Click here to download the publication (Design & Print New Image).