On April 7th, the Belgian-Serbian Business Association supported an event of its corporate member, law office Popovic, Popovic and Partners – Networking for Lawyers – AIJA – International Association Of Young Lawyers And In-House Counsel, headquarters Brussels, Belgium.

The attendees had the opportunity to hear more about the importance of networking for lawyers, and the importance of networking as a skill from Natalija Popović Maksimović, attorney at law at Popovic, Popovic & Partners and a Local Representative of AIJA for Serbia. The second part was a brief lawyer’s guide to networking events in a virtual world. It covered different networking challenges, but also new possibilities and opportunities for networking in the age of Covid-19.

As a local AIJA representative, Ms. Popovic-Maksimovic presented the only international association for young lawyers and in-house counsel. Since 1962 AIJA provides international opportunities for young lawyers to network, learn and develop, currently gathering around 4,000 members in 90 different countries.

The presentation was followed by an open discussion, during which the attendees used the given opportunity to share their concerns, exchange the viewpoints and discuss the ways of adapting newtorking efforts during the pandemic and beyond.