Important information with regard to travel to Belgium from Serbia and Montenegro.
We would like to use this opportunity to remind you of the current conditions for entry into Belgium:
– If you are a Belgian or EU national or a third country national with a valid EU residence permit, you can always enter Belgium. 48 hours before entering Belgium, you must fill in the Passenger Locator Form online and follow the instructions of the contact tracing (7 days of obligatory quarantine + PCR test on 7th day in Belgium).
– If you are a Serbian or Montenegrin national, it is currently not possible to travel to Belgium due to the pandemic. Some exceptions (see link below) exist for essential travel (humanitarian reasons and essential business), but these require proof and a specific authorization document by the Embassy. Please read the exceptions carefully and if you think you qualify send your application by email to:
Useful links:
– Passenger Locator Form: .
– Website on COVID-measures in force, quarantine and testing in Belgium:
– List of exceptions for travel to Belgium for third country nationals (incl. Serbian and Montenegrin nationals):…/EN/Pages/Travel-to- Belgium.aspx
Vazne informacije u vezi sa putovanjem u Belgiju iz Srbije i iz Crne Gore!
Koristimo ovu priliku da vas podsetimo na trenutne uslove ulaska u Belgiju:
– Ako ste belgijski drzavljanin, drzavljanin EU ili drzavljanin trece zemlje sa vazecom boravisnom dozvolom za EU, uvek mozete uci u Belgiju. 48 sati pre ulaska u Belgiju, duzni ste da ispunite obrazac za lokaciju putnika (PLF) onlajn i da pratite uputstva za pracenje kontakata (7 dana obaveznog karantina + PCR test sedmog dana u Belgiji).
– Ako ste drzavljanin Srbije ili Crne Gore, putovanje u Belgiju trenutno nije moguce zbog pandemije. Neki izuzeci (pogledajte link ispod) postoje za esencijalna putovanja (humanitarna pomoc i esencijalni poslovi), ali za njih je potreban dokaz i posebna dozvola koju izdaje Ambasada. Molimo vas da pazljivo procitate izuzetke. Ukoliko mislite da spadate u tu grupu, posaljite nam svoju prijavu na mejl:
Korisni linkovi:
– Obrazac za lociranje putnika: .
– Veb-sajt sa KOVID merama koje su na snazi, podacima o karantinu i testiranju u Belgiji:
– Spisak izuzetaka za putovanje u Belgiju za drzavljane trecih zemalja (ukljucujuci drzavljane Srbije i Crne Gore):…/EN/Pages/Travel-to-Belgium. aspx