Last week the #NationalDayofGiving was organized for the third time by the Coalition for Charity and the Serbian Philanthropic Forum, a USAID Serbia

-funded initiative, in partnership with the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation.
The Coalition awarded 59 prizes to donors for assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ambassador Koen Adam received the award on behalf of the Belgian Embassy, a recognition for the solidarity action the Embassy organized on the Belgian National day, 21st of July : together with the Belgian Serbian Business Association (BSBA), funds were collected for a donation to some COVID-hospitals in Belgrade.

The event, presented integrally in sign language, was also the occasion for Veran Matic, Executive Director of the Serbian Philanthropic Forum, to launch a new campaign to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. Equal access, in every sense of the word, from labor market to physical accessibility – remains a challenge for the Serbian society as a whole, but also for the Embassy.