Key info:

New direct benefits and fiscal benefits can be used by:

  1. Entrepreneurs, micro, small and medium-sized legal entities that were paid direct benefits in July, in accordance with the Decree on economic measures for the private sector (Off. Gazette 54/2020 i 60/2020)
  2. Large legal entities that have exercised the rights to direct benefits and fiscal benefits from the Decree (see conditions below);
  3. Economic operators who have not used the rights to direct benefits and fiscal benefits from the Decree, as follows:

–       economic entities established before 15.3.2020. who did not use (although they could) the right to direct benefits and fiscal benefits from the Regulation,

–       economic entities established after 15.3.2020. year and before July 20, 2020.

Legal entities are classified as micro, small, medium and large, based on financial statements for 2018.

The payments will be made to an already opened Covid bank account and direct payments can be used exclusively for the payment of salaries and compensation of salaries to employees.

Business entities are obliged to use the received funds by October 31, 2020 at the latest, and after the expiration of this deadline, the dedicated accounts will be closed, and the unspent funds will be returned to the budget.

In order to use these measures, employers have the obligation not to reduce the number of employees by more than 10% in the period of three months from the payment of the last direct benefit, i.e. by the end of the year at the latest.

Entrepreneurs, micro, small and medium legal entities:

Entrepreneurs, micro, small and medium legal entities, who were paid direct benefits in July, will be automatically registered for the payment of direct benefits for August and September.

The amount of direct benefits in August and September will be paid in the amount of 60% of benefits paid in July.

Large legal entities

Large legal entities will be paid direct benefits if:

  • They are entitled to direct benefits in accordance with the Decree and have not lost that right in accordance with the Decree (have not reduced the number of employees in terms of Article 12 of the Decree or haven’t paid dividends in terms of Article 16 of the Regulation);
  • They submit a list of persons for whom a large legal entity exercises the right to payment of non-refundable funds by Aug 15
  • The same rules apply to them as before – they will receive 50% of the minimum wage per employee who had a break of at least 15 working days in the said two months.

Serbian original version of the decision