Documents and information on measures shared with our members since start of the state of emergency 2020.

  1. Decree on organizing work during state of emergency (“official gazette of rs” no. 31/2020) and Code of conduct for business entities during state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, Newsletter prepared by our member the Law Office Tasic&Partners: Newsletter Decree and the Code

2. An overview of the New Set Of Economic Measures For Mitigation Of Consequences Caused By The Coronavirus prepared by our member the Law Office Zivkovic Samardzic – Download here

3. E-commerce opportunity, Newsletter prepared by our member the Law Office Tasic&Partners: Newsletter E-commerce

4. Economic measures of Government of the Republic of Serbia for reducing the adverse effects caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Newsletter prepared by our member the Law Office Tasic&Partners: Newsletter Economic measures during coronavirus pandemic

5. Questions regarding implementation of the Economic measures of Government of the Republic of Serbia:

1) Q&A 1
2) Q&A 2
3) Q&A 3

6. Regulation on shifting the deadlines for holding the regular session of the company assembly and submission of annual and consolidated financial statements of companies, cooperatives, other legal entities and entrepreneurs, as well as deadlines for filing income tax and self-employment tax, valid licenses of authorized persons auditors and licenses for assessing the value of real estate that expire during the state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 57/2020) – Download here

7. Instruction for the Organization of the Public Urban, Suburban and Local Transport in the Implementation of Prevention Measures and COVID-19 Risk Reduction issued by the COVID-9 Crisis Headquarter of the Government of the RS on April 28, 2020 – Download here

8. Amendments to the Regulation on Measures during Emergency State foreseeing schedule and conditions for possible continuing of certain business activities:


9. Newest amendments to the Decision on the declaration of COVID-19 disease caused by infectious virus SARS-CoV-2 – Download here

10. Information on the termination of the acts adopted during the state of emergency – can be found on this link

11. Procedure for obtaining consent for paid leave longer than 45 working days after the end of the state of emergency – can be found on this link

12. Frequently Asked Questions by employers and employees during COVID-19 – can be found on this link

13. Amendments – COVID Decision Entry into the RS:

1) Newest amendments
2) Consolidated version