Dear BSBA members and friends,

It is with great pleasure that we share with you the first interactive online issue of Diplomacy&Commerce magazine, launched on April 16th.

The issue brings its readers stories on how embassies, institutions, companies and public figures organize their activities during the state of emergency, how they contribute to the fight against the COVID-19 virus, how they carry out their business activities, how they spend their private time and what they will do first when the state of emergency is over.

Among others, the issue contains an interview with the president of the Belgian-Serbian Business Association, Mr. Hugo Van Veghel.


Prvo online interaktivno izdanje Diplomacy&Commerce “Life in Serbia in the Era of Pandemic”

Na jednom  mestu donosimo priče o tome kako su se ambasade, institucije, kompanije i javne ličnosti organizovale za vreme vanrednog stanja, kako i na koji način su doprinele borbi protiv virusa COVID-19, kako su organizovale svoje poslovne aktivnosti ali i kako provode vreme, kao i šta će prvo da urade kada se vanredno stanje završi.

Najlepše se zahvaljujemo što ste uzeli učešće u našoj akciji kojom je Diplomacy&Commerce magazin, uprkos vanrednoj situaciji i epidemijii koja nas je izolovala u naše domove,  nastavio da izveštava o kretanjima na političkoj, diplomatskoj, ekonomskoj i kulturnoj sceni Srbije i regiona.


First interactive online issue of Diplomacy&Commerce “Life in Serbia in the Era of Pandemic”

In one place, we bring you stories of how embassies, institutions, companies and public figures organized their activities during the state of emergency, how they contributed to the fight against the COVID-19 virus, how they carried out their business activities, how they spend their private time and what they will do first when the state of emergency is over.

Thank you very much for taking part in this campaign launched by Diplomacy & Commerce magazine to continue reporting on developments on the political, diplomatic, economic and cultural scene of Serbia and the region, despite the state of emergency and the epidemic that has confined us to our homes.

Click here to download the publication.

Stay tuned with  #staysafe #stayhome