FIC White Book 2018:

  • Gives overview of the current situation of the legislative framework in a large number of fields
  • Tracks developments in all important segments of regulatory framework: from overall legal framework, corporate law, competition protection, taxes, environment to specific sectoral issues
  • Draws attention to the issues to be addressed
  • Sets practical recommendations for the improvement of business climate
  • Measures progress expressed as a percentage of recommendations addressed in the 12 months since the previous edition in a so-called ‘’Score card’’
  • Puts emphasis on further progress of Serbia towards integration into the European Union, the infrastructure reform, free market development and implementation of legislation

The process of White Book drafting guarantees its relevance. It is a fruit of engagement and expertise of numerous FIC members operating in a variety of fields addressed in the publication. FIC membership is highly engaged in a consultative process that lasts several months while  FIC Committees have key role in the drafting process. Authors of specific texts are employees of FIC members, experts and practitioners at the same time, who have good insight in the implications of legal solutions in everyday business dealings in Serbia. Before publishing, texts are submitted to voting in the Committees. After committees’ endorsement, texts are published at secured pages at FIC web site and are for certain period of time open for membership comments before their publishing. FIC Board of Directors review and approve draft White Book prior to its publishing and public promotion.

White Book is free to download. Permission is also given for using, citing, copying and distributing for non-profit uses in any medium without fee, royalty and formal request to FIC provided that the Foreign Investors Council’s copyright is acknowledged and attributed of the source given.

White Book 2018 English
White Book 2018 Serbian
WB 2018 Essentials
BK 2018 Rezime