Alibunar wind farm received award for the best project in the category of renewables, in South East Europe for 2018.

At the 12th International Forum on Clean Energy Technologies, held on October 2nd and 3rd at the Parliament of AP Vojvodina in Novi Sad, the prize was received by Mr. Ludo Vandervelden, Elicio general director:

This award is another confirmation of the successful work of our team, but also of the good investment environment in Serbia, as well as the support of the state bodies to the realization of projects in the field of renewable energy. After the successful completion of the Malibunar wind farm, which was put into operation last year, we have also completed the construction of the 42 MW Alibunar wind farm. But that’s not all. We are ready to invest in new projects, and our experts already working on some new business opportunities. We are keeping all of our business partners and contacts informed on our positive business experiences, which we consider to be of high importance for attracting other investors and improving the image of the Republic of Serbia on its path towards EU membership” – said Vandervelden.

The Traditional Forum was opened by Mr Milos Banjac, Assistant Minister of Mining and Energy. The event was attended by the Provincial Secretary for Energy and Construction, municipality presidents, public companies, as well as many internationally renowned professors.

About the Alibunar project:

Vetropark Alibunar was built on the left side of the Belgrade – Vrsac state road. It consists of 21 wind turbines, transformer stations and power lines. The total value of the investment is EUR 80 million, of which 60 million was provided by the World Bank’s IFC and private banks and the remaining amount of EUR 20 million was provided by Elicio. The company Elicio is a branch of the Belgian Nethys group.

For further information, please contact Ms Danijela Isailović, 062 471 227.