Dear Friends,

Allow me to thank again all the board members for their excellent work and all of our members for their support during 2017. Our special gratitude to his Excellence Le D’Aes who has been keeping his doors open for the BSBA and to Mrs D’Aes who always brings her warm welcoming smile to our events whenever possible. We saw Gilberte Delva leaving as secretary but we also welcomed Milica Vranjanac arriving in that challenging position. With back stage support of Gilberte and all board members Milica took it up very well. We unlocked 2018 which promisses to be an active year with more presentations and working meetings but still spiced with social gatherings. The planned activities for 2018 can be found in this newsletter, but are still adaptable to new emerging trends or important events or legal changes. We will continue the development of our business platform and give 2018 a more BENELUX character. Join us in our efforts, send us your experiences/ questions and information on your activities.

The BSBA wishes you for 2018 success in your business endeavours as well as for you and your families.

Please click here to download this newsletter.